Design a captivating show opening for Hulu’s season 3 of the Kardashians, highlighting the ladies roller skating together as a family unit.
We envisioned this show opener not only as a music video-inspired branded piece for the new season but also as a celebration of the family's togetherness. Using Beyoncé’s chart-topping hit “Cuff It” as the musical backdrop, we meticulously translated this concept into detailed storyboards and a finely-tuned script, ensuring each member of the Kardashian family was equally highlighted in this vibrant setting. The lighting style was contemporary and alluring, perfectly complementing the ladies as they donned Skims, Kim Kardashian’s fashionable clothing line. In collaboration with Fulwell73, we brought this vision to life, creating a dazzling and memorable opening sequence.
Billboards across the world showcased stills from our show intro. The project aired internationally on Hulu domestically and Disney+ globally. Upon its release, the show opener went viral, generating a massive surge in viewers during Season 3.